Readying a “Talent” for a Larger Leadership Role

Identified as a rising star with enormous potential, this client was offered coaching support to help him refine his leadership style, enhance his leadership presence and accelerate his “seasoning” as an enterprise leader. He was concerned that his career rise would mean too many personal sacrifices and that he would have to become tougher and meaner in order to succeed.

Here is how he describes the impact of coaching:
My development was like a personal strategic plan that helped me identify my primary values and set up guardrails and boundaries so I could excel at work and still have a life. That actually helped me develop an inner confidence that allowed me to challenge people appropriately when I might have been a bit conflict averse before. In the early days of leading my team, I thought I should just let them be, but then I realized that they actually wanted some guidance from me, so I adjusted my leadership style situationally, which made the team feel more empowered and allowed me more time for broader, strategic issues. I managed to move countries, have a child and take on a new, more senior position during the pandemic and I found coaching extremely valuable. The breadth of topics we covered, the new leadership tools I learned, the ongoing partnering where I could bounce ideas and share challenges on my mind so I could frame them right, were all really helpful. I would say the coaching experience exceeded my expectations.



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January 29, 2021